A December 31st Post

The year of 2014 has brought many trials and tribulations, but doesn't every year? Working on myself has been my greatest accomplishment. Whether it was losing 40 pounds, or looking inside myself and finding a greater me, I've grown a lot this year just like everyone grows in a year. The realization that I can do anything has been none the less life-altering. 

My New Year's resolution is to not just keep working on myself, but to work on the energy I give towards others. This past year, my Uncle Johnny spent time in Tibet with Tibetan monks and the Dalai Lama. Over the last week, I had the pleasure of speaking to him and the greatest message I took away from that time was that of: "Others Before Self". This beautiful message is a message taught so that it becomes indelible in young Tibetan minds. It is hung in every classroom, at every age. This is a message that I want to carry out as my NY's resolution. 

I cannot wait to see what 2015 (wow it feels weird to write that) is going to bring. I know that its going to be a beautiful year because 2015 is a beautiful number! 

Hoping for a beautiful, peaceful, and bountiful year for you, your family, and your friends. 

Love to all! 

P.S. What's your NY's Resolution?? I'd love to hear them! Comment below!

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